Video Series: DIDRR in Action

Introducing a four part video series on Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DIDRR) in Action

Learn how to put people with disability and their support needs at the centre of disability inclusive emergency planning.

Person-Centred Emergency Preparedness (P-CEP) Peer Leadership
P-CEP puts people with disability and their support needs at the centre of development and change toward disability inclusive emergency planning. The P-CEP Peer Leadership Program adopted a transformational leadership approach to enabling personal emergency preparedness in others through peer support groups and individual mentoring. This video shows peer leaders with disability leading change toward disability inclusive emergency planning at the individual and community level.

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Making Person-Centred Emergency Preparedness Plans
Being prepared for disasters can reduce the loss of life, property, and possessions. We all need to be ready and know what to do. People with disability may need extra support, resources, and advocacy to enable their preparedness. This video shows the personal emergency preparedness journey from the perspective of people with disability as they make plans tailored to their support needs and communicate plans with their support network – so they know how they will act together in an emergency.

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How to be a Person-Centred Emergency Preparedness (P-CEP) Conversation Partner
People with disability are the experts in their lives and emergency planning needs to start with them. This video shares how the four P-CEP steps guide personal emergency planning in partnership with people with disability. Enablement strategies at each P-CEP step are used to match emergency planning to the supports people need for their health and safety in emergencies. P-CEP contributes to disability inclusive emergency planning at the community level by removing gaps through collaborative action.

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Disability Inclusion for Emergency Managers
Local governments know their communities and the risks they face. They make emergency plans that keep the whole community safe when disasters strike. This video shares the role of local government in building capability and resilience through inclusive emergency planning that puts people with disability and their support needs at the centre of emergency management and disaster recovery planning.

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Disability Inclusive & Disaster-Relisient

Projects related to Disability Inclusive & Disaster-Relient


Selection of research projects from  Collaborating 4 Inclusion