SD Bangunrejo 2 School Action Plan
School name: SD Bangunrejo 2
Action plan: Instagram account & Life skills training
School communication profile
Since SD Bangunrejo 2 first accepted students with disabilities, they have been using direct communication with parents as their sole way to communicate their identity as an inclusive school. SD Bangunrejo 2 is now known as a school accepting students with special needs. Following MIDRAC’s change laboratory workshops, the school signed up to create its Instagram account @sdbangunrejo2yk as one of their action plans, in addition to a life skill training programme for students.
Details on action plan and progress on implementation
Instagram account
The Instagram account, SD Bangunrejo 2, was created right after thechange laboratory workshops. The account was then broadcast to parents through the school and parents’ collective WhatsApp Group. However, there is still inconsistency in uploading content onto the Instagram account. The account is managed by only few teachers, predominately those who are comfortable with social media. Also, the content of the messages are sometimes unclear; they only use the hashtag #bersamauntukinklusi and #collaboratingforinclusion. Parents’ understanding of Instagram is also limited, thus their engagement with the school’s Instagram account is limited.
Life skills
The life skills programme was conducted at the end of January to early February 2018. There were 12 different types of programmes according to their year in school. Students with disabilities were grouped with their non-disabled peers, to enable collaboration.
Challenges in implementation of action plan
Instagram account
It is clear that school needs more training and assistance on content creation and maintaining a social media account. Currently there are only a few teachers to with the capacity to administer the account.
Life-skill training
There was no significant challenge in implementation of the life-skill training programme.
Impact of the action plan
Both action plans brought positive change. The Instagram account promoted the school profile and its values around inclusion to external stakeholders such as parents and the community at large. The life-skill training improved students’ skills outside academic time and promoted solidarity among students.
Reflection of action plan implementation
The life-skill action plan successfully gained support from parents, particularly parents of student with disabilities. Training personnel, who came from NGOs, government departments, and universities further appreciated the schools’ effort. There was a suggestion to conduct a follow-up session on product marketing and distribution.