Sekolah Sanggar Anak Alam (SALAM) Action Plan
School Name: Sekolah Sanggar Anak Alam (SALAM)
Action Plan: Art exhibition and art performance
School communication profile
SALAM is a non-formal education school established in 2000 whose curriculum is based on nature. SALAM was a pioneer for a model of an inclusive, non-formal, nature school, which embraces a concept of inclusion which is broader than only disability. It welcomes children from all socioeconomic background and functioning capacities. Since its first establishment, SALAM has been active in promoting inclusion and disability through different modes of communication. They have seminars, workshops, school open houses, and performance art. For the past 10 years, SALAM has been using social media such as Facebook and Instagram to communicate inclusion to a broader audience. Through this media, SALAM is able to reach people outside of Yogyakarta province, where it is located. Its main message is ‘every child is unique and different’.
Details on action plan and progress on implementation
Art exhibition and art performance are regular activities to promote art talents and products of students with and without disabilities. It is also a way to send a message to the community that every child has their own potential and it’s a school’s duty to nurture them. Inclusion is one way to nurture this talent. The main target of this action plan is parents and the community at large.
The action plan was held on 18 October 2017. SALAM invited participation students, teachers and parents to be involved in this activity. It also collaborated with the art community in Yogyakarta, who mentored and supervised the students to develop their talents. There was a synergy between those involved in the events that supported the successful implementation of the programme. SALAM also produced a video, using the learning from MIDRAC workshops and posted it on the Collaborating 4 inclusion Facebook page.
Challenges in implementation of action plan
There were no significant issues as this is also part of SALAM’s regular activities. To support the active participation of busy parents, the school reduced the number of performances from four the previous year, to two in 2017 .
Impact of action plan
Attendees clearly had high interest in the event. There were a genuine amazement and appreciation towards the student’s art products and their performances. This supported the message that ‘every child is unique and different’ and that they deserved to be treated and nurtured based on their talent.
Reflection of action plan implementation
Based on the SALAM experience, addressing disability stigma community and creating awareness about inclusive education must be an ongoing process, especially within a non-formal education system.