P-CEP for Providers

P-CEP for Providers

The first Person-Centred Emergency Preparedness (P-CEP) Process Tool and Framework was developed in 2017-18 as part of the Prepare NSW Project. The original P-CEP User Guide was designed for use by community, health, and disability service providers to enable preparedness in partnership with the people they support. Three videos accompany the user guide to show how P-CEP can be facilitated through meaningful conversations during routine interactions with clients in the community.

Although the P-CEP has developed since 2018, the core principles and framework (capability wheel) remain unchanged. The tips and strategies in this resource offer a service provider perspective on the facilitation of P-CEP. These resources provide early insights into the importance of ensuring that providers learn and use P-CEP to develop their own preparedness before facilitating preparedness with others.

In the 2019-20, we refined and enhanced this User Guide through collaborative design and extensive testing with individuals representing diverse lived experiences of disability. The evolution of this guide culminated in the creation of the comprehensive P-CEP Workbook which has become a familiar P-CEP resource.


Original P-CEP User Guide (2018)


People with chronic health conditions and disability need to consider how they will manage their functional capabilities and support needs during an emergency. This P-CEP User Guide was designed for use by community health and disability providers to enable emergency preparedness in others. The P-CEP can be used to facilitate meaningful conversations with clients in the community that raise awareness about emergency preparedness to:

  • improve emergency preparedness for people with chronic health conditions and disability
  • reduce negative consequences of disaster triggered by natural hazard emergencies, and
  • improve recovery following a natural hazard event.

A series of three videos provide illustration of PCEP in action.

Functional Capabilities and Support Needs in Emergency Situations

A client and community health care provider demonstrate P-CEP. They engage together in the process to identify Marj’s functional capabilities and support needs, first in everyday life, then in the context of a natural hazard emergency.

Emergency Preparedness is a Process

A client demonstrates P-CEP as an emergency planning process. John shares specific worries he has in three functional areas: management of health, assistive technology, and living situation. He shares the preparedness actions he has taken and his current stage of self-advocacy as he furthers his preparedness plans in collaboration with his disability support coordinator.

Key Features of Person-Centred Emergency Preparedness

Project Leader, Michelle Villeneuve explains the key features of the P-CEP process tool and framework and shares what we learned from field testing this tool together with service providers and their clients.

Cover of Community Centred Emergency Preparedness: Facilitator Guide

Community-Centred Emergency Preparedness Facilitator Guide


A facilitator guide for enabling P-CEP conversation in a group format. This guide was developed through a P-CEP implementation partnership with Sydney Inner Voice. It was developed and tested with community members and staff at the Bligh Park Community Services Neighbourhood Centre. This project was supported by the Infrastructure NSW Hawkesbury-Nepean Flood Risk Management Strategy.

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A selection of research projects from Collaborating 4 Inclusion